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Setting up Azure

By using Microsoft Azure sync, you can effortlessly incorporate new team members and remove departing ones from Team Today through your standard onboarding procedures.

This is especially beneficial for bigger organisations where manually handling a large volume of new joiners and leavers could pose challenges.


You will need to contact us at before proceeding with this to obtain an API Key and increase the limits placed on your account.

Enterprise Application Setup

  1. Set up an account in Team Today
    Log in and complete the onboarding process.
  2. Visit Azure Enterprise App Marketplace
    and add the Team Today Azure app
  3. Email the company Azure Tenant ID to
    Or Customers Azure Tenant ID if you are a reseller
  4. Team Today will then provide a secret API Key
  5. Open the Team Today Azure app
  6. Select "Provisioning" from the menu on the left
  7. Select "Automatic" from the dropdown menu
  8. Enter "" for the URL
  9. Enter the secret API key provided by Team Today
  10. Click on "Test connection" and if then if its working, Save
  11. Click on overview on the menu to the left
  12. You can now click "Start" to run the provisioning

SCIM Settings

  • Under “Settings” enter your email to be notified when provisioning fails.
  • You can configure which users you want to config, under “Scope” by selecting “Sync only assigned users and groups” you will be able to explicitly select which users you want to be provisioned.
  • This “Sync only assigned users and groups” setting is ideal for testing and initial setup.





SKIM Integration - Field mapping

The default field mappings based on `urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User` almost cover all required fields.

Team Today Attributes Matching precedence Notes
userName 1 Should be the user's primary email
externalId 2 User's unique ID (What Microsoft refer to as the ObjectID)
active Boolean: true | false Is account active
emails[type eq "work"].value Users primary work email address
urn:ietf:params:scim:sc hemas:extension:enter prise:2.0:User:departm ent Users department, this attribute is used to place the user into a team (or create a team if it does not exist).
sendWelcomeEmail (Default true) This is a boolean value and can be added as a constant. You will have to click on “edit attribute list” and add it before you can add a new mapping. Setting this value to false will suppress the welcome email, allowing you to manage that part of the onboarding internally.

Example User Setup

Additional attributes can be added at request, this document will be updated as and when new attributes are integrated.

SKIM Integration -Limited rollout

Should you wish to roll out Team Today to a subset of users/groups this can be achieved with the following steps:

  1. Go to the Team Today SCIM application in Enterprise applications that you set up earlier
  2. Under “Manage” select the “Provisioning” blade
  3. Click on “Edit Provisioning”
  4. Click on “Settings”
  5. Change “Scope” to “Sync only assigned users and groups”
    This will limit SCIM provisioning to explicitly selected users and groups.
  6. Under “Mapping” click on “Provision Azure Active Directory Groups” and change the “Enabled” slider to “No”
    You will now be able to start configuring the application to automatically provision users.

To select users and groups follow these following steps:

  1. Go to the Team Today SCIM application in Enterprise applications that you set up earlier
  2. Under “Manage” select “Users and groups”
  3. Click on “Add user/group”
  4. Select the users and/or groups you wish to be provisioning to Team Today.

Once done go back to Provisioning and start/restart provisioning.


By default there are hard limits enforced on how many users each account can have to ensure the integrity of the platform. Please contact us at to have these lifted.

Workgroups cannot currently be provisioned. TeamAdmins and CompanyAdmins have the ability to create teams and workgroups and move people around.

We are looking at adding more mappings at the request of our customers.

Getting support

Simply contact for onboarding advice.

Robin Gibson
Co-Founder and Director of Design