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Adding the Microsoft Teams app
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Adding the Microsoft Teams app

Team Today is now available for free within the Microsoft Teams App Store.
You can use both the MS Teams app and web portal

How it works

You can do pretty much everything Team Today without leaving MS Teams. You can even use the Microsoft Teams app on your phone and Team Today will appear there (no need to download a separate app)

How to add the Team Today app to MS Teams for small teams and individuals

  1. Within Microsoft Teams, tap the Apps icon in the bottom left
  2. Search for Team Today in the top left
  3. Tap the  “Add” button.
  4. Once added you can right-click the Team Today icon in the toolbar and select “Pin” to make it permanently available.
  5. For it to appear on your phone you may need to sign out of Microsoft Teams on your phone and then resign back in and it should appear

How IT admins can add Team Today app to MS Teams for everyone

  1. Open a web browser and go to admin teams centre
  2. Then go to Teams apps > Manage apps
  3. Search for Team Today in the app list, select it, click on the name 'Team Today' (which is a link)
  4. You can then go to Setup policies on the left and add it to people's installed apps and their Pinned apps (which will appear in the sidebar). If it's in their installed apps, it's automatically installed for everyone
  5. If you add it to their pinned apps as well it appears in the sidebar in Teams.
  6. Go to Setup policies
  7. Click on the policy you want to add it to
  8. Click on 'Add apps' and search for 'Team Today' and tap add
Profile picture Robin Gibson
Robin Gibson
Co Founder